This regular interface with Howler monkeys at the Sandos Resort has frankly been one of my favorite experiences of the trip. I had read quite a bit about them based on previous trips here, and seen them in the treetops walking by, but never did I expect to be sitting/standing in the middle of about a dozen members of a howler family.
The first morning of my stay at Sandos, I awoke to a large growl that increased in intensity and lasted about 30 seconds. And when I say loud, I mean loud. Do a quick search on Youtube and you can hear for yourself. After pulling on some pants I headed out to the walkway and there were seven or so monkeys on the railing on the floor above, being fed by a number of people, bananas and apples. After reaching the top of the stairwell I was greeted by the biggest of the group charging right toward me. Since I had not had any previous interaction with them, I took it as a sign of aggression, and stepped back a few paces to show it I was not a threat. After a few times with them, I now realize he was just coming to see if there was any food in hand.
These creatures, which are " black howlers" are considered the gentle group of their species, and it is true. One of the gentlemen who was feeding them remarked that they were like "trained monkeys". My comment was that we are the trained monkeys, they howl, and we come running out of the room to feed them, and they stay only as long as their is something to eat.
The morning after the arrival of ML, L and K, the monkeys again came to our section of the hotel and this time I was ready. With apple in hand I sat on the floor and bit off pieces of the apple, taking turns handing them out. I was absolutely enthralled with this and can understand the gratification people who work with animals feel. This definitely adds a volunteer stint at a wildlife reserve to my tado list.
On and off during the stay the monkeys return, and each time I go out and feed them, and watch others feed them, there has been no loss of the initial joy and excitement felt being with them. This morning when handing out a banana and watching them grab and push each other out of the way to get there first, I laughed and thought.." this is proof of evolution. Reminds me exactly of the boys attacking an order of chicken wings at the end of the bar at the The Lunar Rogue".
The monkeys seem to be fine with human contact, as long as you let them initiate it. They have soft padded hands and long thin nimble fingers that feel like the bottom of a baby's feet. It was a rush standing there holding hands with some of the smaller monkeys as I handed out banana. The entire family travels together, including what looked to be a new born clutching the underside of its mother.
On a bit of a sad note, a van driving through he resort ran into the howlers crossing the road, and killed one of the younger ones. Apparently the family stayed in the area for about an our not knowing what to do, and howling in grief. Anyone that thinks animals have any less capacity for family and feelings, just doesn't get it.
I have some videos of the time with the monkeys and will post them when home at Christmas.
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