Reaction to my "leave" has varied from "wish I was going with you" to " are you friggin nuts". But in the end, that doesn't really matter. It feels right, therfore it is.
After three or four tries at packing and repacking, trying to get the weight down, I am finally finished and ready to go. The knapsack is still heavy, but unless I leave behing the electronics and camera stuff, not much I can do. So I will carry it with a smile.
First leg is a flight to Cancun and a bus ride to Playa del Carmen, where I will relax a couple of days before making my way to Belize. The Month of November will be spent working my way down the Cayes and the coast before ending back up in Mexico the first week of December with Mary Lou , Larry and Karen. What I do with the rest of the time before Christmas will depend on the success of my search in November.
So what exactly am I trying to accomplish is the main question asked. Everything and nothing really but here is the list anyway:
- rest and recharge. No explanation required here.
- finish a few of the dozen or more songs I have started, unencumbered by the demands of work and life in general.
- talk to strangers, listen to their journeys, and maybe even find a few good stories to write about, and
- most importantly, find that little bar on the beach that has my name on it, and buy it.
For those of you who are interested I will provide updates on this blog, Facebook and through Twitter dependent on where and when I stumble on wireless. So, here she goes.
Twitter @FindingMos
Skype ask me
Facetime ask me